Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (2024)

Novice Crusher
Level 3

TitleNovice of the Absolute
FactionCult of the Absolute
Armour Class16
Hit points
  • 21 (Balanced)
  • 27 (Tactician)
Movement speed9 m (30 ft)
Weight35 kg (70 lb)
Ability scores
Proficiency bonus+2
Saving throws
  • Str +3
  • Dex +2
  • Con +1
  • Int 0
  • Wis -1
  • Cha 0
Slightly Drunk
+2 to Strength, Disadvantage on Charisma and Dexterity checks.
Can see in the dark up to 12m.
Opportunity Attack
Automatically attack an enemy moving out of your reach.
Crude Frenzy
Can make a free attack with disadvantage after making a main hand attack.
Fury of the Small


Once per combat when you damage a creature larger than you, you can deal +1d6 Physical.

Crusher is a Goblin Novice of the Absolute who is located in the Goblin Camp on the stage near the Ancient Rune Circle in the east side of the camp. He is currently boasting to a small crowd about how their kind will be superior to all others now they have the power of the Absolute. He will try to humiliate most who approach him, wanting them to kiss his foot in submission.


  • 1 Involvement
    • 1.1 Act One
  • 2 Combat
    • 2.1 Attacks and abilities
    • 2.2 Notable loot
  • 3 Speak with Dead
  • 4 Companion approval
  • 5 Gallery

Involvement[edit | edit source]

Act One[edit | edit source]

Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (7)

Spoiler warning: The following content contains unhidden spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Talking to Crusher while he is on stage results in him insulting you and demanding to kiss his foot, though he won't attempt to bully you if you are a Drow. You can handle him through a variety of ways:

  • Dark Urge. Ponder how it would taste to bite his toe clean off. (This will lead to biting off his toe, starting a fight and sparing him in humiliation.)
  • Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (8) DC 15 Intimidation check. "How about you kiss my foot instead?
    • "Not so high and mighty, after all." This will lead to a fight with him and his crowd.
    • Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (9) DC 15 Intimidation check. "You better kiss my foot. Now."
    • Illithid Persuasion Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (10) DC 2 Wisdom check. "You will obey me. Kneel.
    • Detect Thoughts Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (11) DC 9 Intelligence check. Threaten to tell his superiors of his intentions to take over the camp.
  • Illithid Persuasion Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (12) DC 2 Wisdom check. "I'm your superior. You'd better show some respect."
  • Chose to insult him until you get the option to "Apologize and drop to your knees."
    • Kiss his foot and get it over with.
      • "It wasn't too bad. Do you use perfume?" This will anger him and start a fight.
      • "Was that enough reverence for you?" Ends the interaction peaceful, if forever shaming you.
      • Grab his foot and lick it. This will anger him and start a fight.
      • Attack the goblin. This will make the whole camp hostile.
    • Give the foot a long lick. This will anger him and start a fight.
    • Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (13) DC 10 Sleight of Hand check. Kiss his foot - and try to slide the ring off his toe. Steals Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (14) Crusher's Ring and rewards 15 Experience. Triggers Inspiration for the Charlatan - Anything for Profit.
  • Attack the goblin. This will make the whole camp hostile.
  • Continue to insult him, leading to a fight with him and his crowd.

If Crusher starts a fight, he will surrender when at a fourth of his Hit Points and reward 15 experience.

  • "I think my point's been made. Come on, I'll help you up."
  • "Now. You should kiss my feet."
    • Leave him groveling on the ground.
    • Laugh at his eagerness and finish him off. This will make the whole camp hostile.
  • Ignore his pleading and prepare for the finishing blow. This will make the whole camp hostile.

After completing the interaction without turning the whole camp against you, Crusher walks from his stage to the bridge and relieves himself. This makes it a perfect spot to Shove him off into the river or discretely kill him if you didn't get his ring.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Attacks and abilities[edit | edit source]

Main Hand Attack (Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (17)) –Goblin Scimitar

Normal weapon damage
Make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.
Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (19)Melee: 1.5 m / 5  ft

Reckless Warcry (Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (22))

Increase your Strength by 3, at the cost of decreasing your Armour Class by 1.
Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (23) AoE: 15 m / 50 ft (Radius)

Notable loot[edit | edit source]

  • Crusher's Ring

Speak with Dead[edit | edit source]

Crusher can be spoken to with Speak with Dead.

Player: Who are you?

  • Crusher: Strongest... of our tribe. (Leads into the next question below)

Player: Are you really the strongest? Does that mean you are the boss?

  • Crusher: Should be... boss. But Dror Ragzlin... hobgoblin.

Player: Do you have anything of value?

  • Crusher: Toe ring... magic...

Player: Who killed you?

  • Crusher: They'll pay... Absolute... will make them pay...

Player: Did you see a druid named Halsin?

  • Crusher: If I had... would've killed 'im...

Player: So do you have a thing for feet, or...?

  • Crusher: Of...course not. That's... disgusting...

(If you made Crusher kiss your feet.) Player: Will you kiss my feet again?

  • Crusher: No...not kissing you... anywhere...

Player: Have you learned you lesson, now that you're dead?

  • Crusher: Absolute... is forever. She'll punish... (Leads into the next question below)

Player: The Absolute? Who is that?

  • Crusher: Absolute... blesses. Gives power. Makes... The True Souls...

Companion approval[edit | edit source]

  • Insult Crusher until he starts a fight - I said I'd spit in your face. Was that unclear, or do you need a demonstration?
    • +1 +1
  • Kiss Crusher's foot
    • -1 -1 -1 -1 +1
  • Lick Crusher's foot after kissing it
    • -5 -1 -1 +1 +1 +5
  • Kiss Crusher's foot, but only to steal his ring
    • +1 +1 +1
  • Intimidate Crusher into kissing your feet
    • +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 for the initial threat, and another +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 to make him follow through.
  • Show Crusher mercy after defeating him
    • -1 -1 -1 +1
  • Spare Crusher after defeating him, but make him kiss your feet
    • +1 +1 +1 +1
  • Kill Crusher after defeating him
    • +1 +1 -1

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Crusher's model.

  • v
  • t
  • e

Goblin Camp

  • Stimk
  • Teghun
  • Aggy
  • Bal
  • Bez
  • Birka
  • Breg
  • Crusher
  • Culk
  • Druk
  • Dullwill
  • Greez
  • Gribbo
  • Grikka
  • Gurk
  • Kirz
  • Klagga
  • Krolla
  • Mirg
  • Mrak
  • Muzul
  • Olak
  • Piddle
  • Puce
  • Puli
  • Raagg
  • Rancer
  • Rindle
  • Rot
  • Rozzak
  • Sluck
  • Snurd
  • Spike
  • Skrut
  • Sul
  • Tak
  • Tiny
  • Tud
  • Wasp
  • Zurga
  • Eight
  • Five
  • Four
  • One
  • Three
  • Gurgon
  • Polma
Goblin leaders
  • Dror Ragzlin
  • Gut
  • Minthara
Camp followers
  • Owlbear Cub
  • Volo
  • Grat
  • Roah Moonglow
  • Abdirak
  • Halsin
  • Liam
  • Shattered Sanctum
  • Defiled Temple
  • Worg Pens
  • Ask the Goblin Priestess for Help
  • Defeat the Goblins
  • Save the First Druid
  • Rescue Volo
Novice Crusher - Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki (2024)


Where is the novice crusher in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Crusher is a Goblin Novice of the Absolute who is located in the Goblin Camp on the stage near the Ancient Rune Circle in the east side of the camp.

Does Killing Crusher aggro the camp? ›

Attack Crusher

Attacking him or finishing him off will lead to several outcomes: The entire goblin camp will become hostile towards your squad. Astarion, Lae'zel, and Wyll will approve.

Can you have both Minthara and halsin? ›

You can 100% get Both Minthara and Halsin in your party without issue. Walnut stampede! I have both of them on my current playthrough. They occupy the same tent in camp though (maybe because they were intended to be mutually exclusive, idk).

What happens if you throw the dung at the guards in BG3? ›

(This will start a fight but leave Olak Blinded for Duration: 3 turns.) Wink, gather the dung and fling it at all four guards. (Starts a fight but gains the approval of most companions.) If the party refuse or try to leave, it will start a fight.

How to get the crushers ring in BG3? ›

Locate the Crusher next to the Goblin Camp waypoint fast travel portal. He performs for Goblins. Kill him, or you can try to follow his order, kiss his foot and if you pass a successful sleight of hand skill check steal the Crusher ring in the process. Get the Crushers Ring from the Crusher.

Do you turn into a mind flayer in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

At one point, you will be offered an Astral-Touched Tadpole, but taking it will turn you into a half-Mind Flayer. This is not an irreversible process, but in the lead-up to the game's finale, you will then be offered a Supreme Tadpole which completes the transformation.

Who can you sleep with in BG3? ›

Companions you can romance as in have a relationship with:
  • Shadowheart.
  • Astarion.
  • Wyll.
  • Lae'zel.
  • Gale.
  • Karlach.
  • Halsin (only starts in Act 3)
  • Minthara (least content and you might want to be evil for this one)
Jan 12, 2024

Can you kiss Minthara in BG3? ›

Alongside fixing scripting issues, making bosses like Cazador even harder than before, and doing some general tweaking, Larian has also given Minthara fans a little treat: a kiss option!

Can you loot Minthara after knocking her out? ›

You can achieve this by attacking her without Halsin being visible or by stealing something in front of her then attacking her, but make sure you do this after promising to help her clear out the Grove. If you've done this correctly, knocking Minthara out will leave her as a lootable body but still alive.

Should I let Astarion bite me? ›

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.

Can you be evil in BG3? ›

1: Yes, going evil will have some companions leave you (specifically Karlach, Wyll, and Gale... though I think you can persuade Gale into staying.). In return you do get a couple evil companions. 2: While it is entirely possible to do an evil playthrough, doing so cuts out a massive portion of the game's content.

Should I let Priestess gut brand me? ›

Priestess Gut will only brand one person, so be sure to switch party members and use the one that will do most of the talking and needs the most gear. The advantages greatly outweigh any perceived disadvantages since the character can choose to show and hide the brand at will.

How to get Loviatar's love in BG3? ›

How to Unlock Loviatar's Love in Baldur's Gate 3. To unlock the Loviatar's Love condition in Baldur's Gate 3, you have to visit Abdirak in the Shattered Sanctum, accept his offer to 'alleviate' your pain, and pass three successive dialogue checks.

How do you open the Shadowheart pod in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

To free Shadowheart in Baldur's Gate 3, head into the room east of the pod. Head to the corpse lying at the other end of the room and pick up the Eldritch Rune. Head back to the console to the right of Shadowheart to use the rune. Place your hand on the console, then use the command to 'Will the pod open'.

How to open mind flayer pod baldurs gate 3? ›

Next to the Cartilaginous Chest is a "Dead Thrall." Search their body to find an Eldritch Rune. Take the Rune back to Shadowheart's console and select "Insert the Rune into the Socket," then "Place Your Hand on the Console." Something in your head will trigger. Select "Illithid (Wisdom): Will the pod to open."

Where is Halsin in the goblin Camp? ›

You'll enter a larger chamber, with some notable True Souls like the Priestess Gut and plenty more Goblins. This is the location where you can rescue Volo, if you choose to. Enter through the wooden door in the back of the room to get to the Worg Pens. This is where you will find Halsin.

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